Comments on watching and making films.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Shadow Of A Doubt

NOTE: This post is a review of a Hitchcock film that was seen projected on 35mm at the Belcourt Theater in Nashville, TN, as part of their Alfred Hitchcock: Master of Suspense Series. These movies were not watched on DVD, but in a theater, projected on film.

In Shadow Of A Doubt, Joseph Cotten plays Uncle Charlie, a man running away from something, who ends up in the mid west, somewhere, with his extended family, including his niece, who is named after him (and played by Teresa Wright). When his namesake niece, Charlie, begins to discover information about her Uncle, things that reveal a very dark and dangerous side, Uncle Charlie begins to become a menace to the young girl, only confirming her suspicions.

I was a little worried about this one, because it just didn't seem very solid, but it turned out to be pretty good. Joseph Cotten is great as a man who has slid into evil. His menace is palpable, and Teresa Wright's concern for her own life seems authentic. She's scared, there's no doubt. The supporting cast is here and there, but Charlie's parent's and little sister do a good enough job.

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